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Friday, September 20, 2013

Quick Weight Loss Tips to Lose Weight Fast and Easy

Quick Weight Loss Tips Overview for Cautions and Preparations

One morning when I was heading to my office, I came across a chubby girl; she is somewhere in his 20’s and to judge by her looks, she is somewhere 176lbs to 198lbs. I tried to walk pass by her while she was tying her shoes and she exclaimed, “It is really hard to even tie my shoe laces because I am gaining weight and I am fat now!” I looked at her and she noticed that I she caught my attention and she smile and said “I wish you could tell me some weight loss tips, that would be great.”
Like this girl, I too, have experienced being in a situation where having fats disables or makes simple things harder for us to do. If you experienced this, too, then welcome to the club. We always wish that we could do something that would significantly rip our excess fats so we could lose weight. With weeks being stressed by this problem, I finally gained the strength to make a move to solve my weight issue and wrote notes of the things that we fail to see that could help us lose weight and compiled them in this article.
With moths of struggling to lose weight, trying every tips and listed those that worked in this article, I have probably tried all of the tips. Weight loss should be interesting, fun, and easy to do, all you need to do is control yourself and follow the quick weight loss tips that are easy to do but effective.
Please remember that it may require you to follow and practice these tips to see a significant result. Try them by five’s or as many as you want but you don’t have to follow all of them, only if you can. Take note of what is effective and take off from your list what does not work. Each tip’s effects may vary from people to people so it is always best to keep you own notes and review them daily.
Changing lifestyle may require great responsibility and a lot of precautions than you know it because there are dangers and disappointments when it happens that you fail to pursue the change you want, like receiving the opposite outcome.
Take note that it is always best to consult your trusted physician if you have health conditions that may hinder you from changing your lifestyle according to what will be written below, because it is always good to be safe than sorry. The author is not responsible for any injury or any form of health related complaints from the reader claiming to be caused by the information in this article.
These quick weight loss tips is effective for everyone in general, but you must also remember that our body has different responses when it comes to diet and lifestyle change. If you are already underweight, then these tips are not meant for you.
Take responsibility of your aim to lose weight and have the best and possible self-control to succeed in your weight loss journey.

List of Quick Weight Loss Tips Stop Food Cravings

Sugar-free Gums
Carrying sugar free gums in mint flavor helps to suppress your food cravings, as well as, prevent bad breath when ketosis takes place. Chewing a gum will also keep the blood flow to your brain thus keeping your brain active and you, from feeling sleepy and tired. Sometimes, dieting is cutting of large amount of energy in your body thus making you sleepy.
Of course the most essential element in our body, keeping yourself hydrated is like doing liquid cleanse, hydration also plays role in stripping away fats especially when you drink cold water. Take note that drinking cold water makes you feel hungry, drink warm water every now and then to relieve the feeling of starvation.
Divide and Conquer Approach
Think of your meal or food as your opponent’s country that you want to conquer. The first think you would do is dividing your food into tiny pieces; slice them into bite-size or even half the bite-size. Put your fork down every after you put a piece in your mouth and chew it 32 times. Just imagine that you need to take some rest after conquering every region in your enemy’s country. Take your time in taking your meal and enjoy your food (rush and will make you look like a pig). Seriously, take time, because digestion is very important and it starts by chewing your food. Sip water or any other calorie free beverage in between each bite. This will help you feel full faster. Our bodies often mistake thirst for hunger.
Foods with Negative Calories
Raspberries, Strawberries, and Cranberries are few examples of food that has negative calories. This means, that when you eat them raw, or slightly cook, your body consumes more calories in digesting them than the calories you get from the food.
Chew and Spit
There are instances which you crave for food while you are dieting. Try chewing the food and spit it out after getting the taste from the food you are eating. Your body sometimes craves for the flavor or taste even when you are not hungry.
Raw Foods
Load more vegetables and fruits in your every meal this will make you feel satisfied and may prevent you from eating small in-between meals. Are you surprised to see that I suggest eating green leafy vegetables and fruits? Of course, I am listing the most effective quick weight loss tips, so expect that this will be a mix of healthy and alternative way of dieting. This is one of the healthiest ways to lose weight. You can get rid of excess weight while getting the right nutrition. This is done effectively with a healthy weight loss coach though, but you can also do it yourself. This website has raw food recipes you can do yourself.
Before-six Diet
This is one of the simplest weight loss tips listed above. Just avoid eating anything beyond 18:00 o’clock to ensure that your body has nothing to convert into fats. It is a good thing to keep a 6:00 o’clock to 18:00 o’clock diet and give your stomach 5 hours to rest before taking up another meal. Again, avoid in-between meals, if hungry, drink natural fruit juices.
It is unavoidable to feel hungry especially when you are idle. Try occupying yourself by cleaning your apartment. You can avoid gaining weight, as well as, if you sweat while you clean, you are also helping your body to burn more fats, faster.
Simple-to-do Exercises
Do simple exercises, like jogging in place or jumping jacks, or even do some stretching every time food and hunger preoccupy your thoughts, is an effective way to stop the craving.
Good Posture
Burn more calories by keeping a good posture, it will also help you avoid some posture related problems, like back pains.


Obesity is another type of malnutrition where your body is covered with fats, or simply being too overweight. This condition is certainly unsafe for everybody since stored fats, with unhealthy lifestyle is made up of toxins. Being overweight is also giving other complications open doors so they could invade in your body and do damages. This article will be constantly updated so I will look forward on seeing you again. These quick weight loss tips will be your guide in stripping away fats and cutting down your weight. Follow number of tips if you want to, and remember to keep the diet only if you are overweight, stop if otherwise.


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